Sep 13, 20236 min read
How To Develop the Leader Within You - Part 1
Dear fellow daily scholars, Learning how to develop the leader within yourself takes time. In fact, I would venture to write that...
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Sep 3, 20234 min read
2nd Thing I Learned as a Parent
Dear fellow daily scholars, Take time to play, be curious, use the resources around you and allow your imagination to flourish. There's a...
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Sep 3, 20233 min read
1st Thing I Learned as a Parent
Dear fellow daily scholars, Take the time to stop and observe people around you. If you are a parent, stop and watch your kids while they...
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Sep 3, 20235 min read
Learn to Love Yourself and Gain Control of Your Mindset.
Dear fellow daily scholars, I have been depressed. I have loathed myself. I have asked why people I thought were my friends make fun of...
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Sep 3, 20233 min read
Building Successful, Sustainable Daily Routines.
Dear fellow scholars, Life has a rhythm to it. By being on that rhythm we can live in the moment and observe nature's life lessons. I...
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Aug 26, 20233 min read
Who are Daily Scholars? What Does Being a Daily Scholar Mean?
Dear fellow daily scholars, I decided it was time to write about what being a daily scholar means and to identify who daily scholars...
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